Why Ur Menstruation Is Not Regular? Bitter Leaf, Black Local Soap, Cheese Butter & A Full Spoon Of Red Oil Is The Solution

Hormones such as estrogen, testosterone, adrenaline & insulin, are extremely important chemical messengers that affect many aspects of your overall health.


Hormones are secreted by various glands & organs including your thyroid , adrenals, pituitary, ovaries, testicles & pancreas. The entire endocrine system works together to control the level of hormones circulating throughout your body, & if one or more is even even slightly imbalanced it can cause widespread, major health problems.

Conventional treatments for hormonal imbalances usually include synthetic hormone replacement therapies, birth control pills, insulin injections, thyroid medications & more. Unfortunately, for the majority of people suffering from hormonal disorders, relying on these types of synthetic treatments often does three things:

1. It makes people dependent on taking prescription drugs for the rest of their lives in order to keep symptoms under control.

2. It simply masks the patient’s symptoms, but doesn’t solve them, which means that the patient can continue to develop abnormalities in other areas of the body while the disorder progresses

3. It causes a higher risk for serious side effects such as stroke, osteoporosis, anxiety, reproductive problems, cancer and more

The good news is there are ways to balance your hormones naturally. Below you’ll learn what type of hormonal imbalance your specific symptoms might be pointing to, what the root causes of your hormonal problem are, and how you can help treat the problem without experiencing the negative side effects associated with synthetic treatments.

Signs & Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalances

Some of the most common signs and symptoms of hormone imbalances include:

Infertility and irregular periods

- Weight gain or weight loss (that’s unexplained and not due to intentional changes in your diet)

- Depression and anxiety

- Fatigue

- Insomnia

- Low libido

- Changes in appetite

- Digestive issues

- Hair loss and hair thinning.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalances can range drastically depending on what type of disorder or illness they cause. For example, high estrogen can contribute to problems including endometriosis and reproductive issues, while symptoms of diabetes often include weight gain, changes in appetite, nerve damage, and problems with eyesight.

Some specific problems associated with some of the most common hormonal imbalances include:

- Estrogen dominance: changes in sleep patterns, changes in weight and appetite, higher perceived stress, slowed metabolism

- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS): 

infertility, weight gain, higher risk for diabetes, acne, abnormal hair growth

- Low estrogen: low sex drive, reproductive problems, menstrual irregularity, changes in mood

- Hypothyroidism: slowed metabolism, weight gain, fatigue, anxiety, irritability, digestive issues, irregular periods

- Low testosterone: erectile dysfunction, muscle loss, weight gain, fatigue, mood-related problems

- Hyperthyroidism & Grave’s Disease : anxiety, thinning hair, weight loss, IBS, trouble sleeping, irregular heartbeats

- Diabetes: weight gain, nerve damage (neuropathy), higher risk for vision loss, fatigue, trouble breathing, dry mouth, skin problems

- Adrenal fatigue: fatigue, muscle aches and pains, anxiety and depression, trouble sleeping, brain fog, reproductive problems

Risk Factors & Causes of Hormonal Imbalances

- Hormonal imbalances are multi-factorial disorders, meaning they are caused by a combination of factors such as your diet, medical history, genetics, stress levels and exposure to toxins from your environment.

Some of the major contributors to hormonal imbalances include:

- Food allergies and gut issues: An expanding field of new research shows that your gut health plays a significant role in hormone regulation. If you have leaky gut syndrome or a lack of beneficial probiotic bacteria lining your intestinal wall, your more susceptible to hormonal problems including diabetes and obesity. That’s because inflammation usually stems from your gut and then impacts nearly every aspect of your healt.

- Being overweight or obese

- High levels of inflammation caused by a poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle

- Genetic susceptibility

- Toxicity (exposure to pesticides, toxins, viruses, cigarettes, excessive alcohol and harmful chemicals).

- High amount of stress, and a lack of enough sleep and rest.

Precautions When Treating Hormonal Imbalances:- In some cases, synthetic hormonal treatments (such as insulin or thyroid medication) will be necessary to treat a hormonal imbalance. However the majority of people can feel a lot better by making the lifestyle changes described above.

For people with diagnosed hormonal disorders− including type 1 or type 2 diabetes, Adrenal Insufficiency, Addison’s Disease, Graves’s Disease and Cushing’s Syndrome for example− it’s always important to speak with your doctor before discontinuing medication use. The natural treatments above can still help you overcome your illness and greatly reduce symptoms, but these recommendations shouldn’t take the place of medical supervision. Because hormone imbalances vary so widely in terms of severity of symptoms, always keep track of how you’re feeling, do your research and evaluate how you respond to different treatments.

Final Thoughts on Hormonal Imbalances: Hormonal imbalances affect many millions of people worldwide, in the forms of common disorders like diabetes, thyroid disorders, menstrual irregularities, infertility, low testosterone and estrogen dominance.

Symptoms include feeling anxious, tired, irritable, gaining or losing weight, not sleeping well and noticing changes in your sex drive, focus and appetite.

Causes for hormonal imbalances include poor gut health, inflammation, high amounts of stress, genetic susceptibility, and toxicity

- Natural treatments include eating an anti-inflammatory diet, consuming enough omega-3s, getting good sleep, exercising and controlling stress.

Natural Self Therapies. Aside the best formular Suprem-M Herb I made for irregular menstruation circle. You can help yourself by squeeze bitter leaf. Collect little water you can get. Add red oil one or two table spoon to it. Drink at night after night food. And met a baby spoon of cheese butter, add little black soap "bi ori ekana" to it, add it to very warm Lipton teas early in the morning like 6am before you brush your teeth and drink. Pls if you don't get me clear, do not do it. For permanent cure. Get Suprem-M Herb so cheap and your period that normally cease will be flowing regularly. I have returned many menopause and I can show you the evidence

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  1. please how do I get the cheese butter?

    How do I get your products?


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