Stop Managing Sickness: Learn How To Use Bitter Kola And Garlic Tea To Cure That Health problem.

So many person like to manage manage sickness and disease till it becomes a problem.

What they don't know is that the longer you live a sickness in your body the more damages it can cause.

Take malaria for example, when it enters your body it stays in the liver for 10 days before it moves to start destroying your red blood cells. And it is when it starts destroying your red blood cells that you start feeling symptoms of malaria (such as fever, headache and body pains). Some persons will still leave it without treating it. All in the name of watching it or no money. This is wrong. And like I said earlier the longer a sickness or disease last in your body the more damages it will cause.

Good. Now as many of you already know bitter kola and garlic are two of the best herbal herbs you can find out there. There activities in terms of healing. That is their healing power is very high.

Knowing this is one thing, knowing how to combine it is another thing.

However for the sake of learning, there are different ways to take these herbs.

1. You can add it to your food while cooking

2. You can chew one seed of bitter kola every morning

3. You can grind Bitter kola and garlic and apply it directly to the infected body part

4. You can soak the bitter kola in water for 3 days and then drink afterwards.

5. You can soak the bitter kola in garlic tea and drink to get the effects.

Health benefits of taking this medication include.

1. The combination of Garlic and bitter kola Helps to boost your immunity to a large Extent

(that is it helps you fight infections and other illness) and keep you healthier

2. They Help in the healing of wound and swollen joints and other parts of the body by acting as an anti-inflammatory agent.

3. The combination will help protect the heart against heart conditions like hypertension, stroke, myocardial infarction, Angina, and helps to regulate blood pressure. It lowers blood cholesterol levels and cleans the vein and arteries effectively

4. Protects your food from bacteria when you add it to your meal

5. Helps to treat infections such as Athletes foot caused by fungi infection (this is done by soaking your feet in Garlic water or by rubbing garlic on your foot directly)

6. Very effective in Protecting us against cancer including postrate cancer, breast cancer, rectal cancer, colon, cancer lung cancer etc

7. Very good for managing diabetes. And used to control blood sugar levels in diabetic patients

8. Works very well for preventing premature delivery in pregnant women. By fighting all those bacteria that cause infections which leads to premature delivery.

9. It's effective in treating bronchitis (asthma), Tuberculosis, liver disease, flatulence, rheumatism, dysentery, intestinal worms etc.

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