7 Health Benefits of Pap (Akamu or Ogi) That You May Not Know

Pap often regarded as akamu, ogi, koko or eko is a Nigerian fermented cereal pudding made from maize. This superlight food has been around for decades now and it is eaten by alot of people in Nigeria.

Traditionally, the grain is soaked in water for up to three days before wet-milling and sieving to remove the husks.The filtered cereal is then allowed to ferment for about three days until it becomes sour.

Subsequently, it is boiled to form a pap or cooked to make a creamy pudding. Traditionally processed akamu or pap has a sour taste and would make a perfect combo with fried plantain, pancakes, akara, fried yam, okpa, bread, fried potatoes and even beans. Any of these when combined with Akamu makes a great breakfast meal.

Pap or akamu is a nutritious meal which is a good source of carbohydrate, vitamins, folic acid, potassium, chromium, selenium, zinc, phosphorous, magnesium and lot more.

Below are the 8 health benefits of drinking pap

1. It regulates blood pressure

Pap is an excellent source of potassium. It contains zero amount of sodium making it a perfect food for people with high blood pressure and those who want to maintain healthy blood pressure or avoid developing hypertension. Another advantage of taking potassium rich foods like pap is that it helps in lessening the effects of sodium in the body and also easing tension in your blood vessel walls. Thus shielding you against myriads of health conditions.

2. A good source of energy

Pap is a good source of carbohydrates so as a result of this, it is highly recommended for athletes.

3. It increases breast milk for nursing mothers.

Have you ever wondered why pap is one of the most recommended foods for nursing mothers? If you have then here's why:

Pap contains a high amount of water and some other components that promote easy an adequate flow of breast milk for lactating mothers. It also helps in regaining strength after suffering from one illness or the other. Also not forgetting that it's an easy to digest food and a friend to the digestive system.

4. It helps replace lost body fluids

Pap is a meal that replaces body fluids because of its high water content. If your feeling dehydrated, you should consider taking pap.

5. Helps boost kidney's health

The kidney is among the most vital organs of the body such that any damage around it can trigger adverse effects in the human system.

However, the great news is that drinking pap can help get rid of unwanted elements in the body through urine. Ever noticed that you tend to urinate more when you drink pap? It's a no cause for alarm because it's as a result of the pap you drank.

6. It's 100% natural

Pap is a meal that retains all of its nutrients after being processed. And this is because it doesn’t have to undergo long manufacturing processes and there are no additives present or added in it.

7. It helps promote healthy pregnancy

Folic acid is one of the essential nutrient pregnant women need for a healthy pregnancy. The deficiency of this acid could result in the birth of underweight infants or might even trigger neural tube defects in newly born babies. Pap is rich in folic acid making it an ideal food for expectant mothers.


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