Words of Wisdom That Will Change Anyone's Life For Ever.

> In order to grow, a seed needs to be dropped in dirt, covered in soil and struggle to reach light. That is the only way it can grow and be a great tree. The painful experiences you are going through is because you are being buried to become great! > A drowning man goes for every floating object. You are floating in success. Your enemies are drowning in failure. Of course, they will go for you. It is to be expected. Just shift when they clutch at you. Let them drown on their own. Keep floating. > Success and failure are like the common cold. They are very contagious. You can easily catch them from your friends. So, learn to walk with the successful and you yourself will become successful. Walk with failures and you will remain a failure! > Make yourself relevant before asking to be introduced to relevant men. You can’t be irrelevant and want meet relevant men. That is not a balanced equation. Joseph made himself relevant to Pharaoh’s butler before he was ...