Words of Wisdom That Will Change Anyone's Life For Ever.

  • > In order to grow, a seed needs to be dropped in dirt, covered in soil and struggle to reach light. That is the only way it can grow and be a great tree. The painful experiences you are going through is because you are being buried to become great! 
  • > A drowning man goes for every floating object. You are floating in success. Your enemies are drowning in failure. Of course, they will go for you. It is to be expected. Just shift when they clutch at you. Let them drown on their own. Keep floating.

  • > Success and failure are like the common cold. They are very contagious. You can easily catch them from your friends. So, learn to walk with the successful and you yourself will become successful. Walk with failures and you will remain a failure! 

  • > Make yourself relevant before asking to be introduced to relevant men. You can’t be irrelevant and want meet relevant men. That is not a balanced equation. Joseph made himself relevant to Pharaoh’s butler before he was introduced to Pharaoh himself.

  • > Dear parents, stop asking your child to behave ‘like other kids’. That is how they lose their genius and become average. Take the word outstanding. How can you be outstanding if you dont stand out. Leave your crazy kid. He was made to stand out! 

  • > Failure cant kill you. But you can kill failure by refuse to stay a failure after failure tries to get you down. If you fail 7 times, try 8 times. Everyday is for failure. Only one day is for success. Yet, when it comes, success can become a habit.

  • > Dear men, If the girl’s family wants a millionaire society wedding, and they are poor, you are dealing with a gold digging clan. They are many. You are one. If you go ahead with that marriage, you are attempting to break a coconut with your head! 

  • > A foolish man thinks he will invest when he gets rich. A wise man knows that only by investing can he get rich. You explain to them that they must invest, they angrily say ‘how can I invest from my little’. Dont worry. You‘ll remain little forever!

  • > It is the height of irresponsibility to have children and then look for the money to cater for them. You have the process backwards. Even if that‘s what your parents did with you, it is still wrong. First look for the money, then have the children!

  • > You think you can’t memorise Scripture. satan fooled you. Think of the songs, footballers names and information, girlfriends/boyfriends details you memorised. You memorise what is important to you. Make Scripture important and you will memorise it.

  • > Leave an environment where you are doubted for one where you are touted. If you need an atmosphere for breakthroughs, you must either get rid of doubters in your midst or you must leave the midst of doubters. Other people’s doubt affects your faith.

  • > You are angry at those who rejected you, treated you bad and said no to you. Well, look at you now? Their treatment of you made you so determined to succeed that you succeeded. Instead of hating them, why not thank them for giving you determination

  • > You are never more attractive to others than when you are being yourself. If you try to impress others by acting a character that you are not, you may impress them, but you will certainly depress yourself. And you may even forget how to be yourself

  • > Ignore those who say ‘do good so that good will return to you’. Transactional goodness is not goodness. God abhors it. It is not selfless. It is selfish. Don’t do good because you want it to return to you. Do it because it‘s good to be good! Simple.

  • > Many people age before their time, by marrying because they are getting old. They wed someone they don't love and who doesn’t love them. And the time they were afraid of still kept on going. The only thing that kept coming was hatred for each other!

  • > Marriage is sweet if you marry the right person. So, who is the right person? The right person is someone that you marry because you want to get old with them, not someone you married because you are getting old. Age should not bring desperation!

  • > Many people live unsuccessful lives because they refuse to leave environments where people don’t believe in them. If Christ could not do any miracles in His hometown because of their unbelief, why do you think you can? Are you greater than Christ?

  • > Don't just give your parents money in their old age. Give them something more than money. Give them attention. Call them often. More of their friends die as they age and they suffer from loneliness. Ease their pain 

  • > Men who embrace too many women because they are rich, will find that it wont be too long before poverty embraces them. Candy is delicious, but too much can kill you. Women are delightful, but too much can destroy you.

  • > Patience is a weapon greater than any weapon man can make. Your enemies are like the sun. By 11AM they‘re at their height. Dont fight them then. Be patient until 6PM. No matter how strong the sun, it must set. When it sets, you can be at your best!

  • > Laughter is perhaps the best medicine. The reason you don’t appreciate it is because it is free. If laughter cost money, human beings would have appreciated it. When the world gets you down, go to a corner and laugh for one minute.

  • > Growth is usually uncomfortable. It’s human nature to resist it because it takes you out of your comfort zone to a different version of yourself. So don’t be so hard on yourself. Cut yourself some slack, say a prayer. You’ll get there sooner or later if you set your mind to it!

  • > If you stay, stay forever. If you go, do it today. If you change, change for the better. If you talk, make sure you mean what you say.

  • > Loyalty is rare. If you find it, keep it.

  • > When a gossip tells you what your enemy told him, listen carefully, then ask the gossip why your enemy felt comfortable telling him. Gossips don’t have loyalty. As they report to you, they also report about you too!

Thank me later.



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