Causes of Rape All Ladies Should Know and Avoid

Rape can be defined as the crime of forcing someone (either a male or a female) to have sex with you when they do not want to by threatening them or making use of violence. Sometimes rape does not really have to be with violence but without consent of the victim. Husband can also rape his wife if he goes into her by force or without her consent. A boy can also be raped by a girl or some group of girls; although this is very rare in our society.  

In the Federal Republic of Nigeria, rape is a crime punishable by the law. Yet, some people still go into this crime despising the law. The good news is that when offenders of this law are apprehended, they will have no other choice than to face the law.

In our society, women are victims of rape more than the men because they are weaker vessels and can be over powered by the men. This is very wrong and has put the female child in panic. Rape can be avoided if we take all preventive measures which will be made known to you as you read this article. The article is somehow lengthy but is indeed worth it because I will be explaining everything in details. If you are busy; please leave what you are doing and spend some minutes on this article and I promise you that you will not regret it.

Below are the various causes of rape all ladies should know and avoid:

Indecent dressing: I know many of you claim that indecent dressing is not a cause of rape but the truth is to be told. Indecent dressing is one of the causes of rape in the society. Whether we like it or not our dressing speaks about us. Girls try as much as possible to avoid dressing indecently especially clothes that reveal your body parts. Most boys are moved by what they see; that does not give them the right to rape but I tell you the truth, prevention is far better than cure. 

Your dressing can be a means of communication; for example if you see someone on lab coat, you don’t need anybody to tell you that he or she is a scientist. Likewise a policeman, even sex workers have their dress style and a normal girl should endeavor not to dress like one. Most of you might also ask of those that were raped while on religious clothes, continue reading as more will be made known to you.

Night movements: This is another cause of rape that we are going to look into in details. Girls (especially high school girls) are very fund of Night movements which have really exposed many to rape. Avoid Night parties, clubs and any other thing that will lead to Night movement. Most student even go to school after lectures is over, read till it gets dark and then starts coming home, the truth is that you are putting yourself at risk. In the Night when everywhere is dark, bad boys are in hidden corners looking for whom they will steal from and if a female comes out she is at risk of falling into the hands of these boys. Reading is good but please don’t endanger yourself all in the name of reading. 

 Sneaking out of the house: There is a popular saying that “I am coming is not an address”. Secret movement is another cause of rape in our society. Some ladies after gaining admission into the university now want to be free; they sneak out of the house unknowingly into various parties and friends place at night. Ladies of this category keeps quiet after they have fallen victims because they don’t what to let their parents know that they normally sneaks out of the house. Please ladies should try and let their family members know where they are going to.

Visiting a male friend alone: Visiting a male friend alone can be very dangerous and at such I will advise all the ladies to trust no one and also suspect no one. If you want to visit your male friend please go with a company (like 1 or 2 extra person). It is very rare for a boy to rape two girls. Also make sure you go while it is day. This type is very hard to prove to the mass because the mass will ask you what you were doing alone in a boy’s house. The rapist can even deny it saying that it was a mutual agreement.

Staying alone: Staying in lonely places is should be avoided by ladies. Stay In places you can be seen, place that if eventually evil comes up you can shout and be heard. Most rape incident in Nigeria happened as a result of loneliness. Rapist carry out their activities where they cannot be seen and always make sure even if the victims shout no one will hear. Please avoid lonely places.

Love for material things: most of you might doubt this but love for material things like money, food, clothes and shoes can also lead to rape. Some girls can follow a boy to his house just because he took her to an eatery and this will in no doubt endanger your life. Some girls will allow a boy who is not their boyfriend, fiancĂ©e or husband spend thousands of money on them thinking he is a fool not knowing he has plan B. Girls don’t eat everywhere you go, most girls have been raped this way. Some boys can drug the meal or the drink they are serving you. 

Following bad companies: I have heard of countless cases where a girl sets up her friend to be raped. Bad companies will never be beneficial to you in anyway; some girls set up their friend because she claims to be a virgin. Be very careful with the kind of companies you keep.

I believe you have learnt something from this article in one way or the order. To the boys even if a lady do any of this, that doesn’t give you the right to sexually abuse her. Remember there is a penalty for this act punishable by the law. Say no to rape.
I pray none of you will be a victim of this disaster in Jesus Christ name.




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