Please Don't Miss This: The 20 Facts You Still Don't Know At Your Age

Greetings to you all, I hope you are having a nice day. It may surprise you to know that there are still some certain things you don’t know about. Take a look and enjoy.

1. Do you know that you can study “Laughter” as a course in the university. Those people that study laughter are called “Gelotologist

2. There is a town in New Zealand known as “Taumatamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu”. At 85 letters, it is world longest name of place and also the most confusing name in the world.

3. On most occasions, your brain is more active during sleep than when you are awake.

4. The creature that contributes to 90% of death of humans annually is not snake, lion or dog. It is Mosquito.

5. Do you know that as a kid, “Adolf Hitler” wanted to be a priest. But he later became the world “foremost killer”. 

6. The legs of bat’s are so thin that it can’t carry the weight of its body, that is why it usually stays upside down.

7. The human brain normally grow up to three times its original size in the first month of life. Then it takes about 17 years before it starts to grow again.

8. The human brain gets smaller as we grow older.

9. In Germany, there is no punishment for any prisoner who tries to escape from jail, because it is a basic human instinct to be free.

10. The eyes of Ostrich is bigger than its brain.

11. There is a monkey called “Capuchin monkeys”. They urinate on their hands to wash their feet.

12. “Praire Dogs” are known for kissing as a form of greeting.

13. Even when other parts of human body stop growing, the nose and eyes never stop.

14. Avocado can never ripe while still on tree. It has to be plucked before it starts to ripe.

15.Dope”, the word normally used on social media to praise people actually means a “stupid person”

16. The word “Nigga” is actually an offensive and provocative word used to address a black person. When you call somebody nigga, it actually means “mockery

17. 10 gallons of carrot juice can actually kill. That is because of its high content of vitamin A, capable of causing swelling of the brain.

18. During their first month, babies can’t recognise any other colour apart from black and white.

19. That tiny pocket in your Jean was actually designed to store pocket watches. Now you know!

20. Dogs sniff good smell with its left nostril and unpleasant smell with its right’s.

Source: World science facts, World animal fact and Wikipedia

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